Houseplant Chunky Mix is our all-purpose, aroid, or tropical potting mix. It contains the most organic matter of all our products to ensure that your houseplants get all the moisture and drainage they need to thrive.
What’s in it?
- Organic: coconut coir, coconut husk chips, recycled forest products
- Inorganic: pumice, calcined clay, perlite, expanded clay
Perfect for Jungle Plants or Aroids like Anthurium, Alocasia, Dieffenbachia, Monstera, Philodendron, ZZ plants, as well as Calatheas, String of Hearts or Turtles, Dracaena Dragon Trees, Hoyas, Palms, Pothos, etc.
Also recommended for the ever-popular winter indoor plant, the Easter Cactus, Thanksgiving Cactus, Christmas Cactus (named for general timing of that specific hybrid's blooms) - i.e. Schlumbergera species. This cactus is a jungle cactus (not a desert cactus species) so they grow is a more traditional, and less dry type of medium in the wild.
Despite these specialized mixes containing more chunky/gritty components compared to other soil mixes, they hang onto moisture for the root ball effectively. No need to water more frequently!
Generally for indoor settings with established plants, one deep watering every 10-14 days is usually plenty.
Watering weekly will likely still lead to root rot if the root system doesn't get a chance to fully breathe between watering sessions.
This mix utilizes recycled coconut chips and coir, an otherwise wasted byproduct of the coconut industry. Of the 50 million coconuts produced around the world each year, about 85% of the husks are discarded as trash. As a soil component, the ground husks offer excellent aeration and moisture retention properties while still providing a fast-draining medium to reduce the risk of soggy soil and root-rot for indoor potted plants.